


During my travels, I’ve captured a diverse range of photographs that encapsulate the essence of my journey. Each photograph tells a unique story, whether it’s the intricate architecture of cathedrals or the breathtaking sceneries. Through my camera, I’ve aimed to capture the essence of culture, history, and human connection that defines each destination I’ve visited. These photographs serve as cherished memories of my adventures and inspire me to continue exploring the world around me.


Lin’s Kitchen

I absolutely love baking and cooking at home! It’s one of my biggest passions and I’ve spent countless hours perfecting my skills. These pictures capture some of the most joyous moments I’ve experienced in the kitchen, and they showcase some of my proudest culinary achievements. Get ready to be inspired by the delicious outcomes that I’ve created with my own two hands!


Food & Desserts

As much as I love baking and cooking, I also love eating! One of my hobbies include taking pictures of the food I’ve tried in different places. Sharing these pictures with other foodies make me very happy!

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